Slider 06

New Arrivals

The Perfect

Here is your chance to upgrade your wardrobe with a variation of styles and fits that are both feminine and relaxed.

Shop Collection

New Arrivals

The Perfect

Here is your chance to upgrade your wardrobe with a variation of styles and fits that are both feminine and relaxed.

Shop Collection

New Arrivals

The Perfect

Here is your chance to upgrade your wardrobe with a variation of styles and fits that are both feminine and relaxed.

Shop Collection
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                        <p class="text-primary fs-20 mb-4 font-weight-600">New Arrivals</p>
                        <h1 class="mb-7 fs-36 fs-xxl-100 lh-111">The Perfect<br>
                        <p class="fs-18 lh-178 mb-5 mw-393">Here is your chance to upgrade your wardrobe
                            with a variation of styles and fits that are both feminine and relaxed.</p>
                        <a href="shop-page-01.html" class="font-weight-500 border-bottom border-primary border-2x text-decoration-none">Shop Collection</a>
    <div class="box px-0">
        <div class="bg-img-cover-center vh-100"
             style="background-image: url('../../../images/slider-home-08-02.jpg');">
            <div class="container container-xxl h-100">
                <div class="h-100 d-flex flex-column">
                    <div data-animate="fadeInDown" class="my-auto">
                        <p class="text-primary fs-20 mb-4 font-weight-600">New Arrivals</p>
                        <h1 class="mb-7 fs-36 fs-xxl-100 lh-111">The Perfect<br>
                        <p class="fs-18 lh-178 mb-5 mw-393">Here is your chance to upgrade your wardrobe
                            with a variation of styles and fits that are both feminine and relaxed.</p>
                        <a href="shop-page-01.html" class="font-weight-500 border-bottom border-primary border-2x text-decoration-none">Shop Collection</a>
    <div class="box px-0">
        <div class="bg-img-cover-center vh-100"
             style="background-image: url('../../../images/slider-home-08-03.jpg');">
            <div class="container container-xxl h-100">
                <div class="h-100 d-flex flex-column">
                    <div data-animate="fadeInDown" class="my-auto">
                        <p class="text-primary fs-20 mb-4 font-weight-600">New Arrivals</p>
                        <h1 class="mb-7 fs-36 fs-xxl-100 lh-111">The Perfect<br>
                        <p class="fs-18 lh-178 mb-5 mw-393">Here is your chance to upgrade your wardrobe
                            with a variation of styles and fits that are both feminine and relaxed.</p>
                        <a href="shop-page-01.html" class="font-weight-500 border-bottom border-primary border-2x text-decoration-none">Shop Collection</a>